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Adlet Mayer

Name: Adlet Mayer
Alias: (self-proclaimed)The Strongest Man in the World
Race: Human
Appearance: Adlet has long, reddish hair and wears light leather armor with an iron forehead protector. His hair slowly turns to yellow at the tips. His eyes are a drak yellow or golden color. Around his waist Adlet has four thick leather belts, each with lots of little pouches full of different tools to fight with. His main weapon is a short sword, used more often in order to parry his opponent's attacks rather than to directly attack his opponents with.
Personality: Adlet takes pride in his method of fighting, so much that he calls himself the strongest man in the world, by using any technique he can to bring down his opponent, instead of relying on strength alone. He's also well aware that for an ordinary person like him to become the strongest man on earth can only be done with this method. Because of this, he's often looked down upon by others who call his ways of fighting "dirty" and "despicable".
Height: 183 cm - 6'0 feet
Weight: 63.5 kg - 140 Pounds
Weapons: Short sword, smoke bombs throwing knifes of all types of poisin, lighter fluid and a snap igniter, other useful small wepons.

This video is Adlet's fighting style, no changes at all.

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